1. Texture
Because no one in New York has the strength or the money to cart around fifty September issues and because we all have more interests than can be contained in a subway newsstand. Texture takes all of our favorite print magazines and turns them into digital copies for you to view and enjoy while riding the subway, waiting in the Starbucks line, or waiting for your laundry. Not to mention that you can choose from hundreds of magazines which means you can read about anything and everything you enjoy. I selected a few of my favorites and I have to say I have been enjoying reading them on my phone. It's a nice break from Instagram stalking influencers and watching mindless Facebook videos. Heres a look at my top magazines at the moment.
I've been dying to read a copy of Airbnb mag since I heard it was a thing. One of my favorite pass times is looking at Airbnb in exotic lands and reading through their new experiences page. So this magazine is a dream come true. I love to travel and this magazine makes it so interesting and accessible. So happy about it. Allure, Glamour, and Bazaar are three magazines I never get around to reading because my first stop is always a dictionary-sized VOGUE so being able to sit down and flip through these is also pretty awesome.
2. Bloglovin'
This app is super similar to Texture but it keeps all your blogs in place instead of your magazines. It gives you a feed of all your favorite blogs and their posts in real time. Its also a great way to help you find and follow new blogs surrounding similar topics and ideas. I love Instagram because I feel like its a super easy way to stay up to date on whats happening with my favorite bloggers. I see their posts I can read their little caption to see what they have to say, and I'm not checking thier profile every ten minutes to see if they added a new photo bracuse it shows up on my feed. Thats what I wanted but with realy content blogs. I wanted a way to be able to scroll through all the posts I wanted to read but without having to check someones blogs everyday for updates. That's why I love Bloglovin'. It gives me a feed and I can scroll to my hearts desire.
I've never felt an app I relate to more. So here's how it works. Have you ever been scrolling through your feed and think to yourself wow I wonder where she bought that amazing coat? But then you reply to the influencer you love but realize with 400 comments before yours there is no way she's getting back to you about where she purchased said coat? Well, that's what LIKEtoKNOWit does for you. Basically, influencers, bloggers, fashion companies, use LIKEtoKNOWit on pictures they post on Instagram. They tag the prices of the items and where they bought them through the app. That way when you go to screenshot it you can pull it up in the app and you'll be able to see exactly where they found that amazing coat. Sounds so basic and simple but its a life saver. And it works out well for bloggers who are doing paid partnerships and promotions because it gives their followers shoppable links.
There are so many ways to use apps like these to enhance your business and make shopping, liking, reading, so much easier. After interning for a large company like Kleinfeld bridal its obvious to me how important communications through apps like these are. We just reccently launched a brand new Kleinfeld website which gives brides so many ways to interact with what happens here at Kleinfeld. There are hair tutorials, make look ideas, real bride stories, and a dress search engine unlike any other bridal website. We are doing alot to keep ourselves at the top of the bridal industry. While I think we are doing alot of things right I think it would be amazing if we started using the LIKEtoKNOWit app for our Instagram photos. It would be great if we can direct brides to the exact dress so they know the price point its within and see if we have it in the salon for them to try on. I think it would really round out the experience that we give to the bride.
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