Monday, October 23, 2017

Dear Grace, - A letter to Grace Coddington

It's hard to separate when my life started from when my obsession with fashion started. But I'm guessing both started around the time I learned your name.
When I was in eighth grade I started following Tavi Gevinson of her then titled blog, The Style Rookie. I admired her knowledge of pop culture, art, music, and all things fashion so much. She was crazy and eccentric and I wished to have such daring and unique style. As an inspired 12 year old I decided to start my own blog also. It's a little Blogspot URL that still exists today. While I'm too embarrassed to reveal the internet address I will tell you one thing, it was an ongoing list of your photo shoots mixed with a few of my own. I shot photos of thrifted outfits in my bedroom on my mom's old digital camera. I even got my cousin into dressing up and having photo shoots with me. My bedroom walls were plastered with your Vogue editorials. My whole little eighth-grade heart loved your whimsical worlds. You inspired me to start dreaming up worlds to photograph. Narratives that could live in photos.

me in my childhood room in front of my magazine mural - 2011

a photo from my eighth grade blog - 2010

Its probably because of your wild imagination and ingenious creativity that I chose to be a Creative Director. I love writing a story for clothes and creating a scene for them to live in. Mixing outfits and scenery and picking location and props. It really is directing a little moving image. I love pairing the photos to make spreads, and seeing how they look in a magazine layout or within a blog.

I've always wondered how you gather your inspiration for these shoots. Where do you start? After reading your memoir its clear to me that your upbringing probably influences your perspective. Growing up in the lush landscape of Wales was probably a magical experience in itself. I also love imagining what your life as a young model in the UK must have entailed. You describe in your memoir your encounters with photographers and industry professionals. But what is even more inspiring to me is how you overcame so many obstacles in your life. Through death, divorces, and tragedy you still allowed yourself to find beauty and creativity.

This shot is from a photoshoot my cousin and I created - 2011

When I first watched the September Issue I was enamored by your personality and wit. My favorite shoot of yours is the 1920s inspired story that we get to see you create in the movie. But the best part of The September Issue is seeing you encouraging a model to eat a little tart. I think about that scene so often. Especially as I was growing up as a teen while dipping my toe in the modeling world. It was such a small scene but it had an everlasting impact on me. You've taught me to be a creative person but you've also taught me to be a strong person. 

My brother studied photography for a short period and snapped this photo of me while on vacation - 2009

I just want to thank you for being more than a name on a masthead and continuing to be an inspiration to me and other young girls who are pasting up your pictures in their bedrooms. I can only hope I create something half as beautiful as you one day. 
Thank you, Grace

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